Abdulnasser Ibrahim Saif Bin Kalban is Chairman of EGA America. He is also the Chief Executive Officer of Emirates Global Aluminium.
Prior to his appointment as Chief Executive Officer in 2020, Mr. Bin Kalban had served as an Alternate Board Member of EGA since May 2017.
He is a member of EGA’s Technical and Project Committee and its Finance and Commercial Committee. He also sits on the Board of Guinea Alumina Corporation (GAC), EGA's bauxite mining subsidiary.
As Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Bin Kalban is responsible for managing EGA’s ongoing operations and business and reports to EGA’s Managing Director.
Mr. Bin Kalban joined DUBAL in 1996 and worked in both Major Projects and the Power and Desalination Department. (DUBAL merged with EMAL to form EGA in 2014).
In 2014, Mr Kalban left his position as General Manager of Power and Desalination at EGA to become CEO of Dubal Holding LLC, EGA’s 50 per cent shareholder.
Mr Bin Kalban is a Board Member of the International Aluminium Institute and a Board Member of the Gulf Aluminium Council.
Mr. Kalban has a bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering from Western Michigan University in the United States, and has completed Strategic Management and Leadership Courses at Insead Business School, France and Harvard Business School.